Newsletter #1: start of construction works

Dear businesses and residents,
The construction consortium of J.P. van Eesteren-Croonwolter&dros vof has been commissioned by the Free University of Amsterdam (VU) to construct a new research building for the VU. We have already started setting up the construction site, installing the site fences and carrying out preparatory work to get started on the excavation pit. The first construction activities will start at the beginning of July.
We, as builders, will be guests in your neighbourhood over the next three years. We aim to keep you fully informed about our works, planning and other activities by means of newsletters like this one. Updates about the construction works can also be found on our project website and on
About the VU Research Building
The new beta-medical Lab Building will be located at De Boelelaan, next to the Sportclub Buitenveldert. The Research Building, together with the O|2 Lab Building next to it and the recently opened New University Building (across the street) is an important step in the campus development, the sustainability of the campus and the renewal of the beta-accommodation and beta-research infrastructure.
The building will house a wide range of functions and facilities for education and research into social issues in the fields of neuroscience and oncology, among others. These include research into Alzheimer's disease and new medical imaging techniques that can be used to make good diagnoses in healthcare applications.
There will be a variety of teaching and practical rooms, laboratories and other research facilities. In addition, campus facilities such as catering, meeting and conference facilities are also planned. Learn more about this building on the website:
Construction phases
The construction work is roughly divided into the following phases:
- Setting up the building site and the preparatory work.
- Construction pit and basement.
- Structural work for the high-rise and low-rise buildings.
- Facades and roofs.
- Building finishes and landscaping of the site.
- Delivery of the building mid-2023.
Activities in the near future
In the week of July 13th, we will commence the first construction activities. We will then be busy with the construction pit and foundation work until the end of the year:
- Mid-July : start of installation of diaphragm walls
- Mid August : start of sheet piling
- Early September : start laying foundation piles
- Early November : start excavating the construction pit
- End of December : start of concrete foundation works
We will be installing the sheet pile walls using a noise- and vibration-free technique. If it turns out that the lower layers of the soil are too hard, extra force may be required for the last few metres to reach the desired depth. We will then be forced to use vibration to drive the walls to the correct depth. This technique may cause noise and vibration nuisance to the surroundings. If this happens to be the case, we will inform you in good time about our change of methodology.
Logistics and transport
The entrance and exit of our construction site is located at the Gustav Mahlerlaan. It will be under the supervision of a traffic controller. For the safety of pedestrians and cyclists, boom barriers will be used. The transport route to and from the construction site is via Gustav Mahlerlaan and De Boelelaan.
Our working hours
The building permits allow the works to take place from Monday to Saturday between 7.00 am and 7.00 pm. However, this will generally be from Monday to Friday between 7.00 am and 4.00 pm. It may occasionally happen that construction work has to be carried out outside these permitted times. In that event, we will always discuss this with the municipality.
Bewuste Bouwers
We, as a construction company, fully realise that we are guests in your area. We will try, as much as possible, to prevent any inconvenience to you. Part of our approach is that we work according to the code of Bewuste Bouwers, where limiting nuisance to the surroundings is a key principle.
This is how you can contact us
We will continue to keep you informed about our activities by means of newsletters such as this one. Should you have an issue about anything or have any questions. Please feel free to contact me, I can be found on the construction site every day. Or mail us at In the event of a calamity, you can reach us day and night by telephone on 0900 - 824 34 73 (TBI Direct).
Kind regards,
Construction consortium of J.P. van Eesteren-Croonwolter&dros vof
Eric van Nes
Chief executive of construction
P.S. The information in this newsletter is also available in Dutch, click here.