Newsletter VU Research Building #5

Dear businesses and residents,
You will undoubtedly have noticed that the construction activities for the new Research Building are running very smoothly. The building shell phase has been completed, the facade is almost closed and the finishing activities have now commenced. We’ll be starting on the activities in the public area from 19th September and these may cause some level of nuisance. This letter will provide you with more detailed information about these activities and how this may affect you.
Construction of HCS facilities
We will soon, from 19th September, start realising the heat and cold storage (HCS) source for the new Research Building in the public area.
The work will be carried out for the O|2 Lab building on the De Boelelaan side.
We’ll be setting up a work area in which pedestrians and cyclists will be temporarily diverted to allow us to carry out this work.
- Cyclists from 19th September to 7th October 2022: Diversion via the south side of the De Boelelaan throughout this period.
- Pedestrians from 19th September to 4th November 2022: Detour behind the O|2 Lab building.
The entrance to the O|2 Lab building will remain accessible at all times.
Situation view week 38 to week 40
Situation view week 41 to week 44
Our working hours
The building permits allow for the works to take place from Monday to Saturday between 7.00 am and 7.00 pm. However, this will generally be from Monday to Friday between 7.00 am and 4.00 pm.
Bewuste Bouwers (Conscious Constructors)
As a construction company, we fully realise we are guests in your area. We will do our best to avoid any kind of inconvenience to you as much as possible. Our approach includes working in accordance with the Bewuste Bouwers code, where limiting any form of nuisance to the surrounding area is a central focus point. We aim to keep you fully informed about our works, planning and any other activities by means of newsletters like this one. Updates about the construction works can also be found on our project website and on
This is how you can contact us
Have you noticed something, or do you have any questions? Please feel free to come and find me, I’ll be at the construction site every day. Or email us via
You can reach us day and night by telephone on 0900 - 824 34 73 (TBI Direct) in the event of a calamity.
The municipality of Amsterdam (Zuidas) has a coordinating role in all construction projects on the Zuidas. Do you have questions or comments about projects in your area? Then please contact:
Amsterdam Zuidas Information Center
0800 5065 (always available),,
With Kind Regards,
Construction consortium of J.P. van Eesteren-Croonwolter&dros vof
Eric van Nes
Construction site manager
P.S. The information in this newsletter is also available in Dutch: click here.