Newsletter #3: The construction activities are steadily progressing

Dear businesses and residents,
You will undoubtedly have noticed that the construction activities are now steadily progressing. We would like to provide you with an update of the work completed so far, as well as details of the activities which still need to be done.
Construction pit
The construction pit was excavated following the installation of the diaphragm walls, sheet piling and piles. The first tower crane has now been assembled, which means we are ready to start working on the basement’s concrete work.
The 1st piles will become visible after the excavation.
Construction phases
The construction work is roughly divided into the following phases:
- Setting up the building site and the preparatory work.
- Construction pit and basement.
- Structural work for the high-rise and low-rise buildings.
- Facades and roofs.
- Building finishes and landscaping of the site.
- Delivery of the building mid-2023.
Activities in the near future
- We will be starting with the first structural work on the basement in January.
- We want to have completed pouring the concrete ground floor by mid May 2021, which will allow us to remove the sheet piling during the construction period.
- We expect the structural shell to be finished up to the 10th floor by the end of 2021.
- We expect work on the facade closure and installations to also start around the middle of next year.
Logistics and transport
The entrance and exit of our construction site is located at the Gustav Mahlerlaan. It will be under the supervision of a traffic controller. For the safety of pedestrians and cyclists, boom barriers will be used. The transport route to and from the construction site is via Gustav Mahlerlaan and De Boelelaan. In addition, during Christmas holidays a roof will be placed on the De Boelelaan, to ensure the safety of cyclists and pedestrians.
Our working hours
The building permits allow the works to take place from Monday to Saturday between 7.00 am and 7.00 pm. However, this will generally be from Monday to Friday between 7.00 am and 4.00 pm. It may occasionally happen that construction work has to be carried out outside these permitted times. In that event, we will always discuss this with the municipality.
Bewuste Bouwers (Conscious Constructors)
We, as a construction company, fully realise that we are guests in your area. We will try, as much as possible, to prevent any inconvenience to you. Part of our approach is that we work according to the code of Bewuste Bouwers, where limiting nuisance to the surroundings is a key principle. We aim to keep you fully informed about our works, planning and other activities by means of newsletters like this one. Updates about the construction works can also be found on our project website and on
This is how you can contact us
Should you have an issue about anything or have any questions. Please feel free to contact me, I can be found on the construction site every day. Or email us via In the event of a calamity, you can reach us day and night by telephone on 0900 - 824 34 73 (TBI Direct).
With Kind Regards,
Construction consortium of J.P. van Eesteren-Croonwolter&dros vof
Eric van Nes
Chief executive of construction
P.S. The information in this newsletter is also available in Dutch on our website, click here